Ph.D. (Economics), Associate Professor (Private Higher Educational Institution “Dnipro University of the Humanities”), Ukraine
ORCID iD: orcid.org/0000-0002-5810-3569

Ph.D., M.Sc., PGCHEP, Professor of Leadership and Ethics (Varna University of Management), Bulgaria
ORCID iD: orcid.org/0000-0003-2050-4946

Senior lecturer (Private Higher Educational Institution “Dnipro University of the Humanities”), Ukraine
ORCID iD: orcid.org/0000-0001-8438-5961

UDC 658: 005.336.1

DOI: 10.31733/2786-491X-2021-2-56-67

Keywords: lean production, Toyota, operational perfection, productivity, achievement of success

Abstract. The relevance of the study of the lean production is of great importance, as its implementation demonstrates new methods of management of all production and logistics processes aimed at achieving quality, successful use and a number of means of their application after World War II. The article analyzes the Toyota Production System, which formed the basis of dozens of books on “lean production”. The purpose of the article is the theoretical and practical principles of Toyota lean production as an integrated management system and achieving operational excellence as a condition for success in its application in the automotive industry both in production and services. Objectives of the study: 1. To find out the definition of value and the flow of their creation as a set of actions aimed at forming frugal thinking. 2. To form the concept of lean production as a strategy of perfection. 3. To reveal the global significance of “Toyotaʼs philosophy” as the most profitable industry among car manufacturers. 4. To investigate the Toyota Production System as a foundation for lean thinking and frugal production. This goal determined the application of general scientific methods – analysis, synthesis, comparison, induction and deduction, scientific abstraction, analogies and scientific generalizations, logical and historical analysis in the framework of systemic and cross-cultural approaches, forecasting and modeling, literature review of scientific sources. It has been proved that lean production is one of the brightest examples of the “Japanese miracle”, the basic principles of which include: determining the value of a good or service for the consumer; determining the flow of value creation; loss control; ensuring the continuity of the flow of value creation; “Extraction” of production; constant improvement. The authors, using the experience of working with leading companies in the United States, Germany and Japan, including Pratt & Whitney Porche Tesco, note that the principles of lean production have allowed them to: to increase productivity almost by two times; speed up the release time; halve production space; reduce inventories with virtually no financial loss. The practical significance of this topic is that economical production as a philosophy of “Toyota” guarantees the effect and success of many companies and manufacturers.


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