MA independent researcher (Entactex Pharma Research Project) Hungary
Simon L., 2022

UDC 376

DOI : 10.31733/2786-491X-2022-1-16-26

Keywords: Emotional autism, Cognitive autism, Interactive Deficit autism, Excited autism, Stereotypic autism

Abstract. To be interior in interactions or to be exterior in intraactions: how can we sense nature if we can’t even sense ourselves as objects? In this case we can be considered as autistic people and we must be living in a closed universe without “Nature”. We can express beauty of ourselves only if we can reflect to our mind, in itself. After this acting in process the World will be open for us.

Is it possible?

This mutual paradox is objectively measurable with a new test experiment. It represents the superject above the subject and object: the thing “Who” is able sense beauty as it surrounds us.

The spontaneity is at the same time constant and changing: if we are able to act out the Whiteheadian universality of the process whilst seeing ourselves from above then there is no contradiction between the happening and the experiencing of the process. 

The Whiteheadian Philosophy could be a model of Ferenczian practice in interactive mutual Psychoanalysis, but the heterodox Psychoanalysis could provide practical Psychological background for Whiteheadian Theory.

Beauty is an acting in process of our mind opening from itself to ourselves, therefore the intraactive elements become interactive things. Ourselves reflected to our World is the “Eternal Other”: The Psychological source of Aesthetics is the Psychology of Whiteheadian “superject”.


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