Ph.D. in Law, Associate Professor (Baku State University), The Republic of Azerbaijan

UDC 340

DOI 10.31733/2786-491X-2022-2-186-197

Keywords: judicial protection of human rights, international non-governmental organizations, procedural legal capacity, legal state, respondent State.

Abstract. The article was prepared on the basis of scientific-theoretical provisions, judicial practice, international-legal documents and decisions of international organizations, focusing on the issues of procedural legal capacity of international non-governmental organizations and its manifestation in participation in international judicial institutions. In addition, the relevant provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan were reviewed. Also, the specific differences of the international judicial institutions, the specificity of the participation of international non-governmental organizations in the considered cases, as well as the impact on the formation of new trends of the international legal order by speaking in the processes on behalf of the applicants were analyzed in detail.


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