1. The article should cover actual, relevant international subject, have applied research results and their approval according to the purpose and the objectives of the article. The objectives should be attractive to wide audience. Regionalism is to be avoided.
2. The articles are accepted only from authors who have a scientific degree. One author or co-authors may submit an article no more than once a year.
3. The final page of the article should contain confirmation of originality of the research, certified by the signatures of each author (in scanned format), as follows:
I, name/patronymic name/surname, the author of the scientific article “…”, certify that it fairly presents a self-conducted research and does not contain any plagiarism.
The author guarantees that he / she has obtained all necessary permits to use copyrighted materials in the article.
The author warrants that the article has been prepared for the scientific journal ‘Philosophy, Economics and Law Review’ only, it has never been published or submitted to other publications.
5. Each author grants the publisher the right to edit, adapt and modify, translate the article into any language, publish, and distribute it in an unlimited circulation in any form and format on any media and in any way.
6. Each author authorizes the publisher to handle and use his / her personal data in cases related to publication and communication.
The scientific editorial board carries out internal and external review of articles. In the event of a negative review, the article may be returned to the author for revision or may be rejected. The main reasons for rejection of the article are: the narrowness of the agenda (locality, which limits the target audience); weak scientific and theoretical base; lack of scientific novelty, low practical value; too concise abstract, unclear to understand the content of the article.
7. The articles in the journal are published exclusively in English. The article should be submitted in academic English and in the original (Ukrainian).
8. The article should be edited and sent to the editors office together with the attached documents by e-mail (Subject of the letter: Article Mironova O.L.). All files should be named in English, for example: Polyakov_Article.doc
9. The article should have UDC (placed at the beginning of the article).
10. Volume of the article should be at least 5 pages (A4 format, “Times New Roman” font 12, line spacing 1, page parameters (margins) – 3 cm on all sides, paragraph indentation – 1 cm).
11. Under each table and figure the source should be indicated (Source: …).
12. Graphic material should be presented in programs available for further editing: tables – in Microsoft Word; charts – in Microsoft Excel editor; drawings – in the form of organizational charts using the drawing panel of the Microsoft Word editor; formulas – in formula editor. The article should not be overloaded with graphic material and formulas. The author is allowed to use color drawings and diagrams as editable objects.
13. The article should have the following blocks:
Name SURNAME Scientific Degree, Academic Title (Title of Institution), Country ORCID iD: https://orcid.org/your-number e-mail: your@email.org |
Abstract (have to include actual issues, purpose / research method, main results and conclusions, about 2000-3000 signs).
Keywords: up to 5-8 keywords.
Introduction (description of the scientific issue to be analyzed in general, ties with important scientific and practical aims should be given).
Analysis of recent research and publications (the author should state obscure parts of the issue, in this part reference to the scientific works of foreign authors should be given (with their names in English mentioning the year of article publication)).
The purpose of the article (should correlate to the Abstract, main material and Conclusions).
Formulation of the main material (the whole justification of the research results should be stated).
Conclusions (the research results, author’s propositions and perspectives for further researches; summary should correspond to the purpose of the research and correlate to the abstract).
The list of references in AРA standard
Names of authors in Ukrainian.
The title of the article is in Ukrainian.
Abstract in Ukrainian.
Author’s information and Abstract should be given in separate blocks in English and Ukrainian.
14. References to the sources of the material used, actual and statistic data are obligatory (they should be presented in the text in chronological not alphabetical order; numbers in brackets should be given in the order of citing or mentioning in the text; the sources are given at the end of the article). The references to the scientific works of foreign authors in the text of the article are obligatory. Their surnames are given in English with the year of publication. E.g. (Craft, 2018).
It is desirable to cite to the scholarly works of the most prominent scientists and press books. No less than 10 articles from foreign scientific journals over the last 5-10 years should be cited.
The use of russian sources and russian-language texts is not allowed.
15. References should include 10-15 sources. They should be only in English. Sources in Ukrainian should be translated into English as precisely as possible. Such sources should be marked as (in Ukr.) at the end. The names of Ukrainian periodicals (journals etc.) should be transliterated (see the rules of Ukrainian transliteration), in brackets in English. In references names of sources are given in alphabetical order. In case of DOI number of the source the author of the article is obliged to state it at the end of reference. It is not desirable to cite course books, teaching aids etc. It is necessary to use international bibliographic standard APA-2010 to cite any works in the text of the article.
16. The author reference, added to the article, should include name and surname, name and patronymic of the author (co-authors), scientific degree, academic title, position, specialty (number, name), the article title, postal address, (postal code), e-mail for publication in the journal, phone number for contacting the editors (the phone number is not published or distributed).
17. The article is issued with author’s photo. It should be added to article’s file 3×4 sm and also sent to editorial office as a separate file as .jpg not less than 800 Kb, 10×12 sm.
18. The editors have the right to edit the article’s text (without essential change of it’s meaning), scientific and literary style, and also has the right to reject articles that do not comply with the publication’s policy.
Publication of articles in the journal “Philosophy, Economics and Law Review” is free of charge.
All articles are checked for plagiarism in the Unichek system.