Oleksii HUTSALIUK, Iuliia BONDAR, Natalia REMZINA, Rafal LIZUT
DOI: 10.31733/2786-491X-2023-1-91-102
ABSTRACT. The study examines the peculiarities of the use of information systems and digital technologies, digitization of the organization of logistics processes, increasing the volume of e-commerce, personalization of logistics services, as well as management of relationships with consumers of enterprises of various types of economic activity. These questions are especially relevant in the conditions of rapid development of the digital economy. The expediency of a comprehensive approach to the transformation of customer service in enterprise logistics management systems in digital conditions has been demonstrated. A statistical analysis of the indicators characterizing the level of use of information and communication technologies in the organization of the logistics activities of the enterprise was carried out. The main barriers to the digital transformation of customer service are formulated, conditionally grouped into marketing, information and organizational barriers. It was determined that in order to eliminate the barriers listed above, it is advisable to implement effective tools for the transformation of customer service, one of which is the information system for managing relations with consumers (CRM, Customer Relationship Management). The expediency of using the information system and digital technologies for the complex transformation of customer service in the logistics management system of the enterprise has been determined. It has been proven that in modern business conditions, it is profitable to formulate and implement digital strategies that manage partnerships with consumers, networks and stakeholders, in accordance with the institutional theory and evolutionary paradigm of the information economy, the concept and theory of interactive marketing. The issue of the need to develop and implement a digital strategy that manages partnership relations with consumers, the implementation of which will promote synergy, including economic, social and environmental, is outlined.
Keywords: enterprise, logistics activity, customer service, information and communication technologies, CRM-system, digital economy.
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