DOI: 10.31733/2786-491X-2023-1-116-127
ABSTRACT. The article proves that the promising development of domestic tourism in Ukraine is military tourism. Military tourism has several directions, depending on which the consumers of tourist services are segmented. It was emphasized that there are enough locations in Ukraine that can become “places of memory”, because since 2014, russia has caused a lot of destruction and committed hundreds of other crimes on the territory of Ukraine.
Military tourism services related to warfare historical events are based on visiting former battle sites and places of military historical significance. For example, in Ukraine, these are, firstly, the territories of active military operations – from Kharkiv to Mykolayiv, including the entire Donbas region, places of military glory of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and secondly, historical places associated with the Second World War. This direction focuses on the acquisition of passive experience and has a clearly expressed educational goal. Potential target groups are veterans who took part in the battles that took place in certain places and their families, as well as tourists interested in history.
An additional, but no less interesting direction of military tourism, which includes both directions, is the recreation of historical military events with the use of military equipment – guns, tanks, airplanes, etc. This variety also assumes a target group that suffers from mental rather than physical stress in the everyday work environment, which negatively affects their wants and needs. In general, the target market for military tourism consists of different sectors. Deep segmentation requires a detailed consideration of these submarkets, their requirements and characteristics. It is clear that the target market segment for a fighter jet flight and the target market segment for a military history tour differ in behavioral, psychological and profile inputs.
The main thing to understand is that the events currently taking place in Ukraine attract additional world attention to it, which must be used to support the tourism industry and the development of the tourism business as a whole. And military tourism is an extremely important part of cultural tourism that should be taken into account when developing a national tourism strategy. Advantages and disadvantages of military tourism are highlighted. The functions of military tourism are outlined, the main ones being: historical, educational, martyrological, political, ideological, cultural, entertainment, recreational, sports and adventure. It is noted that there is still no legislative basis for the organization of this type of tourism in Ukraine, but all the prerequisites for its development are there (both locations and demand), because in recent years Ukraine has been under the increased attention of foreigners, and therefore, there is confidence that the majority of them will have the desire to visit Ukraine in the post-war period.
Keywords: tourism, military tourism, internal tourism, memorialization.
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