Larysa NALYVAIKO, Robert W. McGEE
DOI: 10.31733/2786-491X-2023-1-195-210
ABSTRACT. It was emphasized that in February 2022, Ukrainians faced an unprecedented military aggression by ther federation, which led to numerous violations of human rights and international humanitarian law. The restoration of violated rights and freedoms requires systematic efforts of law enforcement agencies and the judicial system of the Ukrainian state, since the vast majority of internally displaced persons have suffered material and non-material damages, lost access to a number of public services, and suffered illegal actions. interference in their lives. Access to justice for internally displaced persons depends on the availability of legal aid. Properly ensuring the access of internally displaced persons to judicial protection is one of the components of the mechanism for restoring the rights and freedoms of persons who suffered as a result of the military conflict. The authors emphasize that internally displaced persons are a vulnerable social group that needs support and assistance in various spheres of life. It was noted that one of the main guarantees of observing the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of internally displaced persons is free legal aid.
The problems of implementing the powers of local self-government regarding the integration of internally displaced persons are analyzed. It has been proven that the decentralization of power creates conditions for ensuring the rights of IDPs and persons affected by the conflict, but it is not effective enough. Decentralization of power did not significantly affect the motivation of local self-government bodies to create conditions for the integration of IDPs, help in solving their problems. There is no balance between the scope of powers and resources for their implementation. It is expedient to further strengthen the abilities of local government specialists to assess and take into account the different circumstances in which IDPs find themselves, the specific problems they faceThis will allow to improve and harmonize the fragmented policy in the field of integration of IDPs at the local level, which was formed, in particular, due to a lack of experience and expert support.
Keywords: internally displaced persons, rights and freedoms, local self-government bodies, decentralization of power, integration, martial law.
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